What Clients Are Saying

I wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed our session today. I feel I have a deeper appreciation of the Forward fold after what we did today. I was reminded again of what a dynamic & “evolving” or “layering” kind of process learning yoga is. I was also amazed how my right hip successfully shared the “work” of rising back to a standing position. And that I was not only able to walk to the car (!), but that my walking felt good…strong, even.

I’m grateful for the calf stretches you showed me and happy to add them to my body’s “arsenal!”

Another very important take-away from today’s session for me is the importance of taking stock of where my body is each time I practice; I’m understanding that my go-to, bred-in, “over-achiever” mindset / approach does not serve me in learning to become mindful in yoga! (I think I may print off that last sentence and hang it someplace where I can see it often.)

Have a good weekend, Karen, and thanks again–big time.🙏😀

A.M. retired, near Buckingham, PA

For more than a year I was suffering from serious shoulder and long-head bicep tendinitis. My range of motion was severely limited, and as a young an active guy, I found it intolerable to be unable to play sports, work out at the gym and perform routine day-to-day tasks. After several visits to a physiologist (which included a cortisone shot) and months of expensive bi-weekly physical therapy (which left me only minimally improved), I took a friend’s recommendation and met with Karen for a consultation. She is a believer in her practice, and is extremely knowledgeable. She carefully evaluated my situation, injury and goals for recovery, and proceeded to give me two specialized treatments [Massage] over the course of three weeks. As a result of these two visits, my functionality increased from 30% to 95%, and I am regularly at the gym and back to playing sports. I am extremely satisfied with Karen, and I can unequivocally recommend her services.

Jonathan, 33

What started out as a Christmas gift certificate from my sister, has become a five-year relationship with Karen. Twenty-five years as a critical care nurse had taken its toll on my body and spirit. Karen developed a plan using yoga and massage to help relieve chronic neck pain, improve my body mechanics (specific to the caregiver’s fatigue) and recover from the demands put on me during the week. She has a plan but adapts it to my specific needs when we meet. Each time we meet, I stretch, strengthen and recharge.

Nancy, 47

I was suffering from stress and overexertion. My lower back and shoulders hurt. I had to sleep in the fetal position with a small pillow between my knees, and had trouble moving around. Upon a friends’ urgings and recommendation, I began my healing process with Karen. After several visits my agility improved and eventually I could lie flat on my back again without hurting. I am also comfortable sitting up in bed to read. Currently, I am on a once a month “maintenance program.” This is definitely one of the wisest decisions I’ve ever made.

Lola, retired

It had taken me several months of searching and lengthy investigation for someone, whom I considered qualified, to be a real Shiatsu Therapist, which turned out to be Karen. I tried her first session and am now well into my second year with her. Karen is very thorough and in depth with her therapies as well as knowledgeable of deep tissue massage, which helps with sport injury problems. She has helped me with this type of therapy for some long-term problems I had with driving fire apparatus and lengthy trips in cars that affect the right knee, leg, calf and thigh. The after affects are amazing and health to those areas improved to, what I consider, normal. I am glad that I have found her and consider her a healer as her therapy is that excellent.


Robert, retired

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