More on Mindfulness

Quality of life whether in the workforce or in our private lives is a salient topic of today, and a very important outcome of self-care.  Studies show mindfulness can mediate the feeling of being drained at the end of the day.  We can learn new ways of attending to life, in order to manage our energy expenditures so that satisfaction in our jobs or work of any kind may be vastly increased. 

Karen started her own personal journey to holistic and soul-based wellness 32 years ago, and has since discovered connections between the spiritual and religious traditions and the new mind/body psychology (which includes the current neuroscience), while attaining her Bachelor of Science degree in human development.   

One of the general consensus’ is that the location of our consciousness can’t be found nor measured under a microscope. However, it’s definitely part of the whole person. Relatedly, for example, neuroscientists have not found a specific center, nor a primary network of connections that relate to motivation in the brain.  Moreover, research supports the mindfulness relationship to health and spirit.  Mental capacity can be increased, sleep quality enhanced, energy levels expanded, a sense of meaning and purpose realized, and more…

Accordingly, Karen’s clients learn to use mindfulness practices.  Karen has attributed her own increased ability to significantly lower her stress levels to mindfulness practices. This experience has validated her holistic orientation to life! The mindfulness lifestyle in particular has expanded her capacity to decrease her feeling of self-consciousness when around others. Consequently, this has increased her joy in achieving a finer connection to, and acceptance of self and others. Mindfulness has also afforded her more ability to complete the things she wants to do, as well.

Here’s a quiz to find out more about mindfulness.  It’s a fun way to learn how it can apply to our lives! 

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“At times when events at work and in the world dampen the spirit, coaching brightens the path.” Marcia Reynolds

A Service For Those Seeking Self-Care That feeds Their Soul
Curious about what Life-Coaching is about? Not sure if it would be a good fit for you? Sign up and meet Karen for a FREE no obligation 30-minute consultation session today!


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