When beginning to work with clients using craniosacral therapy, Karen uses the Craniosacral 10-Step Protocol as a basis to begin. It is very thorough as it can comb over the entire body in one session. It also is a good way to highlight what’s most needed for a follow up without neglecting the body as a whole. Intuitively, she addresses whatever she finds that comes up under her hands, or what seems to call out to the client. Sometimes the body wants to release a more complex holding pattern. Karen is fully trained and deft at the craniosacral modality called, SomatoEmotional Release for this purpose. On these occasions, great care is taken to help the client integrate the work on all levels, body, mind, & spirit. Further, she pays attention to the immune system within the craniosacral modality called, Craniosacral and The Immune Response. Palpation can be made directly with each immune organ, and with all the membered components, including the cells themselves. The main purpose is to help facilitate communication between all of these tissues as they network together. Overall, craniosacral therapy helps remind us how interconnected we are physically, mentally, and emotionally.